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Automation of workflows for authorities, the solution for letting bureaucracy go

As elections unfold all across Europe, amid Covid-19 pandemic, the urge to digitalize local and central administrations and to make significant leaps in facilitating online access is growing. While some steps have been made, there is still a full range of operations and services that could be significantly improved. When…

Are legacy systems RPA compatible?

One of the main concerns when adopting new technology is the way it will integrate with the existing systems. Legacy systems are part of a company`s backbone and they usually took years in terms of arhitecture and deployment. But are they flexibile enough for the current everchanging market?   The whole idea of a system is largely viewed as a perfect integrated ensemble of parts that together, do a better job than the individual parts. But innovation is, from more than one point of view, disruptive. It initially shatters the seemingly circular processes that these systems have been relying on. And this is why the large scale adoption has been delayed.      As time passes and innovation becomes an approachable novelty, the market`s dynamics usually brings about a rise of interest. RPA, for example, was firstly seen as a Band-Aid type of solution. Since it has evolved and has become comprehensibile and available to mass markets, it is turning into a legitimate systemic tool. In regards to its relationship with legacy systems, RPA needs to be evaluated against other approaches to integration as this is not a ‘either or’ situation, but rather a continuum set of approaches to integration.   Characteristics of different forms of system integrations     Versatility  Scalability  Accuracy  Running  cost …

All roads lead to innovation: RPA in freight management

As retailers and manufacturers move to restock depleted inventories, trucking and freight companies in general are reporting stronger freight demand. The upswing in demand and spot-market pricing is raising costs for businesses hustling to replenish goods after coronavirus lockdowns. In an attempt to balance the market, the technology seems to…

Empowering the workforce through RPA

Companies have the opportunity to reap the benefits of a virtual workforce, with the rise of robotic process automation. To name only a few, these benefits include saving employees’ time, improving productivity and enhancing employee and customer satisfaction. But the further development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has driven the…

How to discover what company processes you should automate

Every business consultant and partner is advocating these days for digitalization. Depending on industry and status quo of each company, the final solution may differ from one case to another, leaving the door open for mixing tools and surprise strategies. Nevertheless, the question <Where to begin?> remains one of the…

The rise of email marketing and how to make the best of it

While it has always been a classic tool with foreseeable results, the Covid-19 pandemic has unexpectedly given a thrust to email marketing. When all communication channels went online, emails have claimed their way back to the top of daily go-to business tool. Before the pandemic, there has been a long-time…

Work hard or smart?

The human kind has answered a long time ago the legit question: Do we even need robots? It did so in 1961, when the first industrial robot (named Unimate) has been put to work in a General Motors` factory. Nowadays, there are a lot of machines and appliances, including household…


Why RPA should be on your mind in 2020

As the year begins to unfold, so do the plans that each company has in place for this year`s challenges. No matter the area of expertise, technology and its breakthroughs are always a hot topic and an important investment attraction point. When shaping your strategy for innovation and development, take…